Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Jane’s Walk?

Jane’s Walk is a movement of free, citizen-led walking tours inspired by Jane Jacobs. The walks get people to tell stories about their communities, explore their cities, and connect with neighbours. Jane’s Walk was founded in 2006 as a living, walking commemoration of Jane Jacobs and her legacy. The first year, there were 27 walks in Toronto on the first weekend in May. 

  1. Who is Jane Jacobs?

Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) was a writer and activist best known for her writings about cities. Her first book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961), upended the ideas of modernist city planning and offered a new vision of diverse cities made for and by the people who live in them.

  1. What happens if it rains?

Walk in the rain and carry an umbrella! As we mentioned, walks happen rain or shine, so be prepared to make your walk happen regardless of the weather. If the conditions are truly awful or unsafe, you could always send an email to your participants to postpone to another date. 

  1. What do I do if the group that shows up is smaller/larger than I expect?

If a smaller group shows up, create the space for intimate conversations – it’s a great opportunity to interact with all the participants! 

If it’s a larger group, see if you can break into smaller groups. You will have to do some quick thinking on how to space yourself at your stops. And it’s always a good idea to bring some back-up support!

  1. How long should my walk be?
    Consider your audience. Most walks are around 1-1.5 hours. Any time over 2 hours can become a little long, but it’s still possible! Consider integrating breaks along the way for folks to sit, use the bathroom, or grab refreshments from local shops.
  1. Can I only lead one walk?
    No! You can lead as many walks as you like. You can also lead the same walk more than once in the same weekend.
  2. Can I lead a walk on a topic that’s been done before?
    Absolutely! You can lead a walk on any topic—even if you or somebody else has already led a walk on it in previous years.
  1. Can I lead a Jane’s Walk outside of the Jane’s Walk weekend?

It depends on the city—check with your city coordinator if this is something they are open to. Usually this is not an issue at all! Many cities offer walks or events outside of the Jane’s Walk festival weekend.

  1. Do you have resources (graphics, logos etc.) for walk leaders to use?

Yes, we do! Contact us to request. 

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